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Trump Renews Criticism of Electric Vehicles in Christmas Address on Truth Social

Former President Targets Biden’s EV Push, Labeling All-Electric Car Initiatives as ‘Lunacy’

In a Christmas address posted on the Truth Social network, former President Donald Trump once again directed criticism at electric vehicles (EVs) and President Joe Biden’s push for their widespread adoption. Trump, known for his outspoken views, took aim at not only Biden but also special counsel Jack Smith, characterizing leaders involved in the electric vehicle movement as destructive forces within the United States.

Trump’s Christmas message expressed his holiday wishes and took a swipe at various issues, including what he labeled the “all electric car lunacy.” He claimed that leaders, both domestic and international, were contributing to the destruction of the United States through policies such as the Green New Deal and the promotion of electric vehicles.

In the post, Trump mentioned a range of topics, including open borders, inflation, the Afghanistan withdrawal, high taxes, lack of energy independence, and the “woke” military. His comments echoed previous criticisms of President Biden’s policies, particularly the emphasis on electric vehicles as part of a broader climate agenda.

Donald Trumop (carscoops.com)


This is not the first time Trump has criticized electric vehicles and Biden’s support for the industry. In September, he voiced concerns about the impact of Biden’s EV plans on the U.S. auto industry, suggesting that China would benefit at the expense of American jobs. Trump has consistently labeled electric vehicles as a “hoax” and predicted widespread job cuts if the nation pivots towards EV adoption.

It’s worth noting that Trump’s messages on Truth Social, a social media platform he founded, often reflect his unfiltered opinions on various political and societal issues. The former president continues to use this platform to communicate directly with his audience, maintaining a critical stance on certain policies, including those related to electric vehicles.