Car show Cementery (
Cadillac Memorial Gardens East faces backlash for hosting halloween gathering.
In a surprising move, Cadillac Memorial Gardens East in Clinton Township, Michigan, has ignited a firestorm of controversy by announcing their plans to host a trunk-or-treat event featuring classic cars shortly before Halloween. The event is scheduled for October 26 and has been promoted as a family-friendly gathering for all ages. However, the idea of a cemetery hosting a hybrid car show and trick-or-treating event has drawn strong criticism.
The cemetery’s announcement on Facebook garnered over a hundred comments, including from individuals with family members interred at the site. Many expressed deep upset, with one person describing their family as “beyond devastated” and the concept as “wrong in so many ways that I can’t even begin to express my anger.” Others labeled the idea as “morbid,” “disrespectful,” and “inappropriate,” while some criticized the event as shameful. Concerns were raised about attendees potentially taking pictures with gravesites, and fears of theft or damage to flowers, flags, and memorial lights.
Despite the backlash, the cemetery stood by its plan, asserting that the event was “not disrespectful” and aimed to foster community unity. They emphasized their commitment to the responsibility of caring for loved ones and their families.
This stance, however, only fueled further criticism, with accusations that the cemetery was hiding comments from dissatisfied individuals. While this remains unconfirmed, local news outlet WDIV spoke to a representative from the cemetery who stated there “would not be a car show.” Nevertheless, the cemetery’s original event promotion on Facebook still featured “Classic Cars!” as part of the event, leaving the controversy unresolved.